Tuesday 5 December 2017


Thursday 30 November 2017

21 century learning


  1. What are the 21st century skills in ICT?

The framework for 21st Century Learning was developed with input from teachers, education experts, and business leaders to define and illustrate the skills and knowledge students need to succeed in work, life and citizenship, as well as the support systems necessary for 21st century learning outcomes. It has been used by thousands of educators and hundreds of schools in the U.S. and abroad to put 21st century skills at the centre of learning.

The partnership 21 framework represents both 21st century student outcomes (as represented by the arches of the rainbow) and support systems (as represented by the pools at the bottom).

Image result for p21 framework
2. How to apply them in my teaching and learning process?

Using and applying the 21st century method can help make my teaching more interesting and related to the pupils future. Each and every lesson planned can have integration of technology to increase the standards of the lesson and make assessment easier. Online feedback will also lesson the teachers’ burden and make assessment faster. A 21st century classroom also makes the learning environment more contusive and flexible for the pupils.

  1. 3 Give examples:

a)      Pupils can be given the topic and notes for the lesson ahead of time for them to be prepared.  
b)      The sitting position of the 21st century classroom will help them work more effectively and collaborate their answers and ideas.
c)       Pupils can be assessed in an online interactive method which is more motivating and less stressful then a summative test.
d)      Parents and teacher can work together in pupil’s project work which helps guide pupils from home and in school. For example like visiting a historical place, where there are tasks set for the parents like taking the pupils there and giving a simple parent experience feedback while pupils work on producing the complete portfolio with all the information gathered.
e)      Lessons can be more interesting and motivating with integration of web 2.0 tools that are suitable.

21 century learning

ICT IN EDUCATION (SGDT 5013) 25 NOVEMBER 2017 What are the 21st century skills in ICT? The framework for 21st Century Learning wa...

Padlet for the 21century classroom